+ Medical Marijuana CardWE MAKE IT
+ Medical Marijuana CardWE MAKE IT
A Idaho Medical
Marijuana Card

If you are wondering how to…
Get a Idaho Medical Marijuana Card.
You have come to the right place!
A medical marijuana program is not currently available in Idaho, making it one of the last states without one. Nevertheless, legislation is being considered to implement a medical marijuana program by 2022.
In Idaho, the Medical Marijuana Act would provide civil and criminal protections for patients who would use cannabis to treat debilitating health conditions on the recommendation of their physicians. Additionally, it would authorize Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare to license and regulate medical marijuana producers and dispensaries to ensure patients have safe access to marijuana.
Until the program is implemented, we will not know precisely what is required to get an Idaho medical marijuana card. However, once voters approve the law, the department has 120 days to adopt implementation rules.

The first step to getting a Idaho Medical Marijuana Card is to…
Schedule your appointment with one of our qualified Marijuana Doctors to receive your initial doctor’s certification.
After you have been certified for the use of medical cannabis we will assist you to enroll in the Idaho Medical Marijuana Card registry program to obtain your State issued medical card. Once that is complete you will be able to legally purchase, possess and consume medical marijuana. Your visit is 100% risk-free with our money-back guarantee!

To obtain your Idaho Medical Marijuana Card, you must first be evaluated and recommended medical marijuana by a licensed and qualified doctor In Idaho. If you are a Non-Idaho resident, please visit our Non-Resident Card page.

After being recommended by one of our Marijuana Doctors the next step is to enroll in the Idaho Marijuana Card Registry Program. The process is simple. We assist you with expediting state your application for the quickest approval.

Patient’s holding a valid Idaho Medical Marijuana Card will be able to legally obtain their medical marijuana at licensed dispensaries. Card holding patients are legally able to possess, grow and use medical marijuana in Idaho. Learn more about the benefits of having a medical card in a recreational state.
Dr. Green Relief Idaho
Marijuana Doctors Can Help You!
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Residency & Age Requirements
You must be a resident of Idaho. Age is not a requirement, but a parent or guardian must register as the patient’s caregiver if the patient is under 18 years of age.
Idaho Medical
Card Qualifying Conditions
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Cancer
- Chronic Pain
- Crohn’s Disease
- Depression
- Epilepsy or a condition causing seizures
- Multiple sclerosis
- Panic disorder
- Parkinson’s disease
- Persistent nausea (excluding nausea related to pregnancy, cannabis-induced cyclical vomiting syndrome, or cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Spasticity
- Terminal illness
- Tourette’s Syndrome
Providing medical documentation
If you have medical documentation of a qualifying condition (such as medical records, prescription bottles, a summary of your office visit, or a doctor’s letter confirming your diagnosis), you’ll be ready for a certification exam with our doctors.
If you don’t have medical documentation for a qualifying condition, please call or text us at 800-420-8423. We’ll arrange for a doctor to diagnose the condition and then arrange for a doctor to certify you. Diagnosis is free of charge.
Where do I find an
Idaho Medical Marijuana Doctor?
Following the passing of the law in Idaho, the team at Dr. Green Relief will link you with a network of physicians to obtain the care you need to get medical marijuana.
I have a qualifying condition.
Does it make me automatically
qualified for the Idaho Medical
Marijuana Card Program?
No, having a qualifying condition does not make you automatically qualified for the Idaho Medical Marijuana Card Program because the program is not active at the moment. Even after the legalization of medicinal cannabis, you would need to be authorized by a medical marijuana physician in Idaho; currently, no such program exists. In other states with medical marijuana programs, a physician usually decides whether or not a patient qualifies only after conventional therapy or treatment is ineffective for the qualifying condition.
Why should I apply and
obtain a medical marijuana card?
For those who have not had luck with traditional medicine or feel they need to explore other options, medical marijuana may be the answer. Obtaining a medical marijuana card in Idaho would allow residents with qualifying conditions to get the treatment they need without fear of legal repercussions. Not to mention, it would also provide access to a wider range of products and strains that can be tailored to each individual’s needs.
What are the restrictions for a
medical marijuana cardholder?
While the restrictions may vary from state to state, there are a few general things that all potential medical marijuana cardholders in Idaho need to remember. For one, you can only purchase cannabis from a licensed dispensary. Plus, it is essential to remember that marijuana is still technically illegal under federal law. Therefore, cardholders must be careful about where they use their medicine and how they transport it. Finally, it is also important to be aware of the state’s possession limits and never exceed them.
Additionally, driving while under the influence of marijuana and using cannabis in public or while operating a vehicle is strictly prohibited in all states. It will be of utmost importance to ensure you follow all of Idaho’s regulations regarding the use of medical marijuana. Doing so can help ensure that you can continue enjoying the benefits of your medicine without running into any legal trouble.
Doctor’s Certification
Can any doctor issue a certification?
The short answer to this question is no, not just any doctor can issue a certification for medical marijuana. In most states with medical marijuana programs, the prescribing doctor must be specifically certified by that state to issue a card. This certification process ensures that only qualified providers can offer this treatment option to patients. In addition, medical marijuana providers are generally easy to locate since most states offer online directories that list them specifically. This is expected to be the case in Idaho as well.
Medical marijuana doctors from Dr. Green Relief are state-certified card providers in many states, like Nevada, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, and others.
Marijuana ID Card
Is it optional to
have a cannabis ID card?
In Idaho, the question of whether or not to have a cannabis ID card becomes somewhat ambiguous since the state doesn’t have a medical marijuana program. However, in states where such programs exist, participants must typically present a legal, current state ID card and a medical marijuana ID card to gain access to cannabis from authorized retailers. The specifics of the requirement vary from state to state, but the bottom line is that without a valid ID card, you won’t be able to get your hands on legal medical marijuana.
What is the fee
for this identification card?
Due to the lack of an operational program, the cost of getting an ID card for the Idaho medical marijuana program has yet to be determined. However, the ID card fee ranges widely from $50 to $200 or more in states where such programs exist. This does not include the cost of the physician’s evaluation, which is required for participation in the program.
I lost my Idaho Medical Marijuana Card. What should I do?
When medical marijuana becomes legal in Idaho, don’t worry if you lose your Idaho medical marijuana card – the state has you covered. They will have a whole process to replace lost or stolen cards. The state’s health division can assist you with replacing the lost medical marijuana card by explaining the situation to them.
What’s the process of renewal?
For medical marijuana programs, this usually involves a yearly, in-person, or online visit with a medical marijuana physician and paying a renewal fee. In Idaho, no program is currently in place, so no decision has been made on this issue. However, most states with medical marijuana programs follow this general process.
How far in advance should I renew?
The Idaho Medical Marijuana program is currently not in operation, so no decision has been made regarding certification renewals. However, states with medical marijuana programs generally require renewals to be filed 60 to 90 days before the certification expires. This gives staff enough time to process the renewal and ensure that patients can continue to access their medication without interruption.
What kind of life change should
I report to the health division?
Several life changes should be reported to the Idaho health division. Perhaps the most obvious one is a change in your address. For example, if you move to a new house or apartment, you’ll need to report your new address to the health division so that they can keep accurate records. Other changes you’ll need to report include changes to your phone number, email address, and any additional contact information. By reporting these changes, you’ll help to ensure that the health division has accurate information on file for you, and you’ll be sure to never miss any important updates to Idaho’s future medical marijuana program.
If I obtained my
Idaho Medical Marijuana Card,
who would know about it?
If you’re considering getting your Idaho Medical Marijuana Card, you might wonder who would find out about it once the law is implemented. Patients will be evaluated by a state-certified physician when Idaho’s medical marijuana program launches. The good news is that your health status is protected under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), so you do not have to worry about your health status being revealed to anyone without your expressed consent. So, if you’re thinking about getting a medical marijuana card in Idaho, rest assured that your privacy will be protected.
Registry Application
What requirements should I
complete for the Idaho Cannabis
Identification Card application?
As of now, the requirements for the Idaho Cannabis Identification Card application are still up in the air. However, just as in other states with a functioning medical marijuana program, qualified patients must be documented Idaho residents with a valid state identification card or driver’s license. They must also have a medical evaluation completed by a qualified physician authorized to prescribe medical marijuana and pay the appropriate annual fees. So, if you’re a qualified patient in Idaho who wants to get their hands on some legal medical marijuana, make sure you have all your ducks in a row before the application process opens up.
What are possible reasons for
a denied ID card application?
If the law is put into effect, patients could be denied a medical marijuana card in Idaho for various reasons. For example, your eligibility is limited if you don’t have a qualifying condition. Additionally, you may be denied if you have made mistakes on your registration forms or have a criminal record. Additionally, you may also be denied a card if you have a documented history of drug abuse or are under the stipulated age without a qualified caregiver.
What should I do if
my application is denied?
There is no application process for medical marijuana since Idaho’s program is still in its infancy. However, once the law goes into effect and you’re in a situation where your application for medical marijuana is denied, don’t panic. There are a few things you can do if your application is rejected.
First, make sure you understand why your application was denied. If it was due to an error, such as forgetting to include a required document, you could simply resubmit your application with the correct information. However, if your application was denied because you don’t meet the eligibility requirements, you’ll need to explore other options. If your application is denied and you believe it has been declined in error, you can contact the qualified physician for more information on your denied application. They may be able to provide you with additional information or clarification on the denial and the steps needed to reapply.
Can a minor apply for
the Idaho Medical
Marijuana Card Program?
The short answer is no. A minor cannot apply for the Idaho Medical Marijuana Card Program. However, once legalized, there will be an application process for parents, guardians, or caregivers similar to other states that offer medical marijuana programs. So, while a minor will not be able to apply for the Idaho Medical Marijuana Card Program directly, their parent, guardian, or caregiver can do so on their behalf.
How long does the
card application take?
Unfortunately, this is not yet known due to the lack of an operational medical marijuana program in Idaho. However, in other states, it can typically take anywhere from two weeks to 90 days for an applicant to receive a decision. So, if you’re hoping to get your card when prohibition ends, make sure you’re signed up for our email notifications, so you’ll be among the first to know when Idaho’s program is up and running.
Is it possible to
expedite the application?
The Idaho medical marijuana program is not yet operational, so the state has not yet decided on a process for applications. However, in most cases, you can get your certification on the same day as your appointment with our doctors. Still, it takes at least 30 days for the state’s department of health to process your application, as states with programs process applications in the order they receive them.
What is the required
paperwork to apply for
the medical cannabis ID card?
Although Idaho’s medical marijuana program is still developing, details have not yet been set in stone. However, in states that have already implemented such programs, patients are typically required to show a valid form of state-issued identification and a physician’s certification attesting to their need for medical marijuana based on their qualifying condition.
How would I know that my
application has been approved?
Unfortunately, this has not yet been decided due to Idaho’s lack of an operational medical marijuana program. However, in other states with medical marijuana programs, the process is generally updated by email or an online portal. So, if you’re curious about your application’s status, check your email or log into the portal regularly. And if you still can’t figure it out, give your state’s medical marijuana program a call – they should be able to help you out.
State Program
Does Idaho currently have
a medical marijuana program?
Unfortunately, no. Idaho’s legislature and governor remain opposed to its legalization. It is interesting to note that a few baby steps have already been taken toward legalization. For example, Epidiolex, a prescription drug containing cannabidiol with up to 0.1% THC content, no longer operates under the schedule I prohibition as of February 2021. The production and transportation of hemp with a THC content of up to 0.3% became legal two months later.
How can I participate in the program?
To qualify for Idaho’s medical marijuana program, patients must be state residents, possess a valid ID, and be assessed by an authorized physician who has been granted the privilege to prescribe medical marijuana by the state of Idaho. After validation by the state, patients are free to purchase marijuana at state-run dispensaries or grow it themselves if laws allow. However, it should be noted that the program is not yet operational and is pending legalization. Several bills related to medical marijuana were introduced in the state’s previous legislative session, but none advanced. Consequently, patients who wish to participate in the program should monitor developments closely and be prepared to take action when the time comes.
Who is the regulating office
or agency for the program?
Even though the new medical marijuana program has not been officially decided, we can take cues from states that have legalized medical marijuana on how it will work. The most likely outcome is that the Idaho Department of Health will regulate the medical marijuana program. This is because the department is already responsible for regulating other controlled substances, such as alcohol and prescription drugs. Furthermore, the department has experience issuing licenses and enforcing laws related to controlled substances. As a result, it is well-equipped to handle the complexities of a medical marijuana program. However, only time will tell what role the department will ultimately play in Idaho’s new medical marijuana program.
Will there be more
qualifying conditions to be
added to the program?
Idaho does not have a fully operational medical marijuana program, so no decision has yet been made. New qualifying conditions can, however, be petitioned to be added to existing programs through decisions made by state medical boards.
Is medical marijuana legal in Idaho?
No. On November 8, 2022, unfortunately, the Idaho Medical Marijuana Initiative will not be on the ballot. It did not receive enough signatures. A medical marijuana program would have been established in Idaho under the measure. For qualified patients, defined as Idaho residents with a severe medical condition diagnosed by a medical professional, the program would have enabled them to possess 4 ounces of marijuana or 6 marijuana plants.
When will medical
marijuana be legal in Idaho?
It’s not clear yet. In Idaho, both the legislature and Brad Little, the governor, oppose legalizing medicinal or recreational marijuana in Idaho, even though the citizens have proposed the Idaho Medical Marijuana Initiative.
What’s the Idaho
Medical Marijuana Act?
The Idaho Medical Marijuana Act proposes a set of laws that govern the use of marijuana for medical purposes. In addition, it would allow patients with certain medical conditions to use marijuana for symptom relief. The act would also establish a registry of qualified patients and caregivers and set forth regulations for the possession, cultivation, and dispensing of medical marijuana. The proposed act has been widely praised by patient advocates, as it would provide much-needed relief for thousands of Idaho residents who suffer from chronic pain or other debilitating conditions.
Can I use medical cannabis in public
once I have obtained the Idaho
Medical Marijuana Card?
Most likely, no. Idaho is expected to follow in the footsteps of other states that have legalized marijuana, but as of now, there is no medical marijuana program in operation. State programs typically encourage users to smoke cannabis within the confines of their own homes. However, there are other products – such as tinctures, edibles, or topical rubs – that can be used discreetly in public. So, until we have a definitive answer from the state of Idaho, use your best judgment and err on the side of caution.
Who can be a
legal representative or caregiver?
Unfortunately, since Idaho does not have a medical marijuana program, a decision has not yet been made on this issue. However, in states with caregiver programs, the patient chooses their own caregiver. Caregivers must be at least 18 years old with a valid Idaho driver’s license or state identification card. Additionally, they must be certified by a qualified prescriber to purchase medical marijuana from the state.
Can a legal representative
purchase medical cannabis?
In Idaho, the state does not currently allow for the use of medical marijuana. However, in other states that have medical marijuana programs currently in place, there is no restriction on a patient’s representative purchasing, possessing, or transporting marijuana on their behalf. This means that if an Idaho resident has a legal representative, they would likely be able to obtain medical marijuana for the patient without any problems.
Where do I purchase medical
marijuana once I have my MMJ card?
Currently, marijuana products cannot be purchased since state-designated dispensaries aren’t yet legal. However, once the Idaho law goes into effect, you can check for a list of dispensaries where you can present your Idaho medical marijuana card and legally obtain cannabis products.
Can anyone purchase
medical cannabis in the state?
Once the law takes effect in Idaho, medical cannabis will only be available to cardholders and registered caregivers 18 years of age or older to acquire and possess medical marijuana legally. The program will also require that patients under 18 have a documented caregiver responsible for their participation.
How much medical marijuana
can I purchase at once?
Since Idaho currently does not have a medical marijuana program, this has not yet been decided. A state’s program will vary in the amount and type of products it allows people to purchase. Most states allow qualified medical marijuana patients to obtain one month’s supply at a time, but that varies significantly from state to state. To get updated information on how much marijuana you may possess at a time once medical marijuana is legalized in Idaho, click here.
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Dr. Green Relief is the patient’s choice for Marijuana Doctors all over the U.S. We make getting your Medical Marijuana Card easy!

Dr. Green Relief