Marijuana Laws Idaho - Weed Legalization - Dr. Green Relief
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Idaho Marijuana Laws

Want to find out about Idaho marijuana laws? This guide will cover all you need to know in relation to Idaho cannabis laws, including Idaho’s stance on possession of marijuana, its views on medical cannabis, and general Idaho marijuana laws for possession, usage, cultivation, and so on.

Idaho medical Marijuana Laws

Is Marijuana Legal in Idaho?

Idaho marijuana laws are very clear: marijuana is completely illegal in the state of Idaho for both medical and recreational usage. This state actually has some of the strictest rules regarding the cannabis plant of any US state. There are no Idaho medical marijuana laws to allow patients to use cannabis to soothe their symptoms, nor are there any Idaho edible marijuana laws or recreational laws for recreational usage.

Is Medical Marijuana Legal?

No, medical marijuana is not legal in Idaho and there has been no Idaho legislature to change this situation. However, it’s worth noting that public support for the legalization of medical cannabis in Idaho has risen. Some efforts have been made to initiate votes or discussions on the subject of Idaho medical marijuana laws, but these have been unsuccessful. Most recently, a 2015 bill that would have legalized CBD oil for patients with epilepsy initially passed the legislature but was vetoed by the state’s governor. A group called Kind Idaho is in the process of building support for a possible medical marijuana program proposition in 2024, but this will need to be voted on and approved by the relevant authorities before it becomes a reality.

Is Recreational Marijuana Legal?

No, recreational marijuana usage in Idaho is completely illegal in all forms. There are no exceptions to this and those who are found in possession or caught using cannabis recreationally can be punished with fines and jail time.

Idaho medical Marijuana Laws
Idaho Marijuana Laws
Idaho Marijuana Laws

When Will Medical Cannabis Be Available in Idaho?

Even though medical cannabis is not yet legal in Idaho, there is public support for its legalization throughout the state’s population. It is currently expected that a new bill, entitled the Idaho Medical Marijuana Act, could be proposed in 2024, but this will have to be accepted by the state’s governor and lawmakers, so it could be several years, at least, before medical marijuana is available in any form in the state of Idaho.

Idaho Marijuana Laws

Next, we’ll look at the specifics of Idaho marijuana laws, examining the state’s attitudes and status in regard to things like possession, reciprocity, and consumption among the public.

Mississippi Marijuana Laws

Possession & Purchase

It is illegal to buy, sell, or possess any amount of cannabis in the state of Idaho, as cannabis is classed as a controlled substance. Those found with 3 oz or less can be charged with a misdemeanor and sentenced to up to one year in jail, while those with greater quantities and intent to distribute may receive much more severe sentences.

How Much Can I Buy and Possess?

You are not allowed to buy or possess any quantity of marijuana in the state of Idaho. Even very small amounts are punishable by law and can result in both fines and jail time.

Where Can I Obtain Cannabis?

It is not possible to obtain cannabis legally in Idaho. There are no laws allowing for medical or recreational usage of marijuana, and the state does not license or allow any cannabis dispensaries to operate within its borders.

Who Can Legally Purchase Cannabis in Idaho?

Nobody is legally allowed to purchase cannabis in Idaho. The only cannabis-related products that are allowed in this state are the drug Epidiolex, which contains cannabidiol, and hemp with less than 0.3% THC content.

Mississippi Marijuana Laws
cannabis Home Cultivation in Mississippi
cannabis Home Cultivation in Mississippi

Home Cultivation

Home cultivation is illegal in Idaho.


Idaho does not recognize medical marijuana cards from other states.


Idaho completely forbids any usage of cannabis, either recreational or medical.

Where Can I Safely Consume Cannabis?

It is illegal to consume cannabis in the state of Idaho. There are no safe or legal spaces for the consumption of any kind of cannabis products in this state.

Oklahoma medical Marijuana Laws

Qualifying Patients

Typically, when it comes to medical marijuana usage, patients are allowed to have legal access to cannabis products if they suffer from a qualifying condition. However, there are no provisions for medical cannabis in Idaho, so it’s not accessible to anyone, regardless of their health condition or any diseases that they might be suffering from. If the Idaho Medical Marijuana Act eventually gets approved, it’s expected to include a list of qualifying conditions, such as cancer, HIV, glaucoma, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s disease, PTSD, and so on, but this is all still subject to approval.

Are Edibles Legal in Idaho?

No, edibles are not currently legal in the state of Idaho and there are no plans to introduce any Idaho edible marijuana laws in the future.

How to Obtain a Medical Card?

Idaho does not currently have any kind of marijuana card program, so you cannot obtain an Idaho medical marijuana card. If you wish to use medical marijuana, the only option is to wait for future legislation or move to another state.

The views on cannabis in Idaho are very strict, and it’s illegal to have or use any amount of cannabis whatsoever, regardless of intent or health state. However, just like in other states around the US, the Idaho marijuana laws are subject to change and could evolve in the future as attitudes regarding cannabis, especially from a medical point of view, start to ease.

Oklahoma medical Marijuana Laws
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